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I’m gonna make one too. Fine Art
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This is a class in session welcome to the dream world. As you step inside the sphere, you are immediately alerted to the seat in the center of your seat. Go ahead, walk forward… Know what you’re doing with this chart.
Dream Sphere

Welcome to the dream sphere. As you set foot inside the sphere, you are immediately made aware of your chair in the center. Go ahead, walk forward into the room and sit in the chair. The show will begin momentarily. Please allow me to introduce myself, I am your host this evening may name is Dick Tripover. Yes go ahead, get your happy chuckle in. Tonight in attendance we have a special guest audience with us. (You)

Learn how to train a neural network to recognize images by treating synaptic connections as an optimization problem Machine-code level programming QUANTUM  ‘NAND GATE’ Learn how to write quantum machine code. Build a NAND gate – a conventional computing logic block – using quantum techniques. PHYSICS SIMULATOR Learn how to write a physics application that allows you to simulate the properties of quantum objects such as spin chains. 4 Digital Dreams.

Is it your state of awake state that keeps you in tune with the world and in tune with your self realization? Each movement in time is a synchronization seconds milliseconds 100th of a second pictures change rapidly in live motion of your life . The Hum of Life Where goes the time flow of the old man in the river? And for a moment, all the world was right. Oh but the sadness is over, This is the show.
The Show – The Life Movie Brooks – The Dance

Response to a decimated economy: Is there a pattern? Does everything seem so compartmentalized? U.N.’s proposal for a one-world democracy, a tedious exercise in rudimentary propaganda. Allegiance to the Meme War at the expense of society at large. Their “civil war” is merely a smokescreen for criminal activity. Also anyone the FBI has been watching. Including me. Any population can be quickly turned against such “revolutionaries” simply by educating them about gaslighting, autism, schizophrenia, and Remote Neural Monitoring. Can we talk about the Hoover dam? Listeners listen, time after time, certainly those that heard a child’s wolf cry witnessed nothing, time after time. Was it at all a sequence of events foretold for this future or for another?
Distractions in your Dreams

Oh but the sadness is over, This is the show.
Daily questions plague your thoughts.

[Act 1] Audio continues: Entire Duration [Intro Question “How many plastic bottles do you throw away?”] Fade IN: Question.psd 00:04:20 – 00:06:16 [Repeat of the initial question to assist in the imprint on the mind of the audience. Question will become center focus of the entire 30 second commercial.] [Image Graphic Sequence]: [Question.psd] [Description:]Repeat the initial question for the audience to become aware of the plastic bottle problem they are creating. CUT: End Act 1 begin Act 2 [SCENE 2] [Act 2] CUT:

ogdog.uberschmit's Instagram image
ogdog.uberschmit Jireh is almost here
Oct 10, 2021
Act 10 Scene 6
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